Happy New Year from Tech Wire Asia! Please don’t forget to secure your work devices. (IMG/shutterstock)
Ten cybersecurity resolutions for a safer 2022
New year, new resolutions — here are ten cybersecurity practices we think that you and your business need to usher a safe and cyber-secure 2022 in.
1. Prioritize cybersecurity
A TrendMicro survey found that 90% of IT decision-makers claim their business would be willing to compromise on cybersecurity in favor of digital transformation, productivity, or other goals. 82% also felt that they have been pressured to downplay the severity of cyber risks to their board.
Whilst a data breach might make organizations prioritize cybersecurity, the costs of handling one would be immense — we’re talking US$5 million per breach immense.
Why would you buy umbrellas after the rain?
2. Don’t neglect data protection and privacy
Customers say that safety and security are most important to them online. KPMG suggests that businesses adopt a transparent approach to how data is used, stored, and shared. This will not only assuage the worries of users but also help to build consumer trust in a brand.
Don’t betray their trust, ensure you have the right data protection and data privacy policies in place within your digital ecosystem.
3. Institute and maintain IT and cybersecurity hygiene policies
Ransomware will be the largest threat to businesses this year. Sophos recommends having proper IT hygiene policies across the company.
Ensure proactive countermeasures such as monitoring features, backups, and training in security skills to enable early detection. Ensure all staff has the latest security updates and patches installed on their devices.
4. Passwords are not enough
Eighty percent of hacking-related breaches can be attributed to weak or compromised passwords, according to Verizon’s 2019 Data Breach Investigations Report.
So, passwords aren’t enough. Multi-factor authentication (MFA) should be the new norm.
5. Zero-trust is your friend
Yes, we’ve said this ad nauseam. We’re saying it again. And again.
6. Beware tech support scams
Over 60% of consumers around the globe have fallen prey to tech support scams. Victims tend to be younger men, and also very overconfident of their IT literacy skills.
So what should businesses do? Consider AI chatbots instead for tech support.
7. Prioritize 5G security
5G technology is gaining increased uptake in the Asia Pacific and will see more use in 2022. However, it does come with security concerns, especially as it may enable a wider threat surface area for attackers.
As such, it’s time to prioritize 5G security both MNO-side and business side.
8. Increase remote working security
We thought remote working would be decreasing. Boy, were we wrong, especially given the rapidly spreading Omicron variant.
Companies should continuously implement and reinforce user-friendly cybersecurity tools and policies, and users should improve on their security standards at home.
9. Break IT team silos down
Only a third of developers truly understand the security policies they work with. This disconnect between security teams and software developers hinders initiatives like Zero Trust implementation and securing the cloud.
Companies should foster closer relationships between developers and the security team so all ICT members are on board and fully understand how policies and processes will be like.
10. … or outsource IT security
Well, if your company is smaller and you can’t afford a security team, then cybersecurity MSPs (managed service providers) are a solution.
But make sure you get the advice of a skilled and experienced cybersecurity member to ensure you’re not overpaying for services you don’t need.
The Tech Wire Asia team wishes you and yours a Happy and Cyber-secure New Year!!
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